
Bob Ippolitoさんのトークおもしろそう
Keynotes and Invited Talks - PyCon 2009 - Chicago - A Conference for the Python Community

Drop ACID and think about data by Bob Ippolito

Building large systems on top of a traditional single-master RDBMS data storage layer is no longer good enough. This talk explores the landscape of new technologies available today to augment your data layer to improve performance and reliability. Is your application a good fit for caches, bloom filters, bitmap indexes, column stores, distributed key/value stores, or document databases? Learn how they work (in theory and practice) and decide for yourself.

from __future__ import * » PyCon 2009, Drop ACID and think about data

Anyway, I gave a talk at PyCon 2009 in Rosemont ("Chicago") last week called Drop ACID and think about data. Basically it is a survey of some of the various kinds of non-traditional database technologies I've been looking at the past few years. Notable technologies NOT talked about are object databases and graph databases. There will be video available eventually and I'll update the post when it is.
