Windows Updateによる強制再起動を止める方法


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A Registry Hack Lets You Keep Windows From Rebooting Automatically After Installing Updates: TRUE

Another huge nuisance in Windows. There’s just nothing quite like leaving a file open overnight, then returning to your PC in the morning to find that Microsoft has helpfully restarted your machine for you, shoving all your work into digital limbo and leaving an evil calling card: “This update required an automatic restart.” It’s possible to stop auto-reboots, but it’ll take a registry hack.

Run regedit and browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Polices\Microsoft\Windows. Create a new key under Windows and call it WindowsUpdate. Now create another new key under WindowsUpdate called AU. With AU selected, in the right-hand pane right-click and create a New DWORD. Call it NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers. Double-click the DWORD and give it a value of 1. Reboot, and Windows’s death grip over your system will be ended.

Winの自動終了を回避する「ShutdownGuard」(無料) : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア

Windowsのみ : たとえば、Windows Updateの通知でシステムをアップデートしたとき。プロセスが終了して、自動的にシャットダウンしたり、再起動したりしますよね。ぶっちゃけ、あれって、うざったくないですか?



shutdownguard - Google Code